February 05, 2016
Dear Colleagues,
Human Rights Defenders Alert - India has issued urgent appeal to the National Human Rights Commission, and its Focal point of Human Rights Defenders, Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Chief Minister of Delhi, Chief Secretary of Delhi, Commissioner of Police, Delhi, on our grave concern over the brutal beating of the protesters mainly students and women protestors in Delhi by the Delhi police who were peacefully protesting before the headquarters of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), in New Delhi on 30 January, 2016. In the police action unarmed students and woman were dragged and "brutally beaten together by the Delhi police and unidentified goons allegedly members of RSS.
We request you to address solidarity appeals to the authorities in your organisational / individual capacities immediately. If you choose to use a model appeal that we have created, please feel free to do the same. It is appended – use after filling the portions in red. Beneath the model appeal are the addresses of the authorities. Please send copies of your urgent appeals to hrda.india@gmail.com, hrda.ict@gmail.com,hrda.scc@gmail.com
Thanks and Regards
Secretariat - HRDA India
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