Bengal wakes up to cry freedom, justice, equality,pluralism and tolerance for civic human rights and democracy!
Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar burnt the Manusmriti and it would never become the destiny of Indian nation and Indian people,listen o children of fascist Nazi patriarchal apartheid!
Those who Killed Gandhi,divided India and continues holocaust of genocide culture,the war criminal against humanity,who betrayed freedom of India and put India on sale must be hanged!Those antinational saddist maniacs,Razakars must be hanged!
Palash Biswas
Never forget those Razakar who betrayed Indian struggle for freedom.Hang all those Razakars,War Criminals first just before defining patriotism and nationalism in Hindutva linguistics of fascism!
As the toilet media tries to make it a political battleground on the line of Mandal kamandal Mahabharat,we the people of India should look beyond the misinformation campaign.It is the call to sustain Humanity and Nature.Politics might not divide humanit!
Within 24 hours since it was called to stand with JNU,Bengal wakes up to cry freedom, justice,equality,pluralism and tolerance for civic human rights and democracy!
No pre eve political exercise,no political color,no flag,no identity,the Nation surged ahead with its conscience as it is known,as it always has been the unification all the way.
kolkata represents the traditional Buddhamay Dhamm and only call on social media proves beyond doubt how strong we happen to be to defeat the agenda of global mass destruction.It is the Bahrat Tirth again where so many streams of humanity merged and we are one blood irrespective of identity,caste,creed,language,religion,race and we are the children of Buddhamoy Bharat!
Unprecedented in the history of India,the people,the universities,the teachers,the masses ,the civil society,the women,the working calss in a whole led by students and youth express the inherent integrity and unity to defeat hate and violence,communalism and ethnic cleansing and cries freedom,justice,equality,pluralism and tolerance for civic human rights and democracy!
Those agents of foreign capital and foreign interest still remain relutant to kill the democracy and constitution,the nation and people and all those loudspeakers keep on making a noise to make the conscience muted from the Capital of the ruling hegemony,Delhi with its Supari Killers working round the clock to kill our children.Delhi is not of India is also the integral parts of India.ruling hegemony might manage the pet creamy layer based in Delhi to bark for them but rest of India would not comply.
Kolkata cries,#justiceforrohit!
Kolkata cries,#justiceformohit!
Kolkata cries,#justice for all those killed children of humanity beyond identies!
Kolkata stands with JNU!
Bengal stands with JNU!
Kolakat stands with all those forty central universities and every institute of education under monopolistic shafron aggression of fascism,apartheid and blatant gender bias.
Those who brand our beautiful and intelligent daughters and sisters as prostitute,they are not human.
The lord Rama would not forgive them.
They killed Gandhi!Gandhi responded,Hey Rama!
Now they kill the idea of India all on the name of India because we always had been the people divided in camps and fighting each other as Baba Saheb Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar explained in his first speech to the constituent assembly which passed the constitution of India.
Those aligned with the British Raj,those who betrayed the freedom of India,sustains the legacy of colonial rule dividing India time and again and no wonder,they sustain all the draconian rules including the Sedition Act and AFSPA to kill dissent,conscience and democracy,the constitution and nation itself!
Across Identities,we Indian people refuse to be sub oridanted to the governance of the Satanic Order as JNUSU President Kanhai refused to oblige the head quarter of fascism!As the students of JNU refuse to be enslaved by the hegemony of hatred and betrayal.
Babasaheb Dr.Ambedkar burnt the Manusmriti and it would never become the destiny of Indian nation and Indian people,listen o children of fascist Nazi patriarchal apartheid!
Those who Killed Gandhi,divided India and continues holocaust of genocide culture,the war criminal against humanity,who betrayed freedom of India and put India on sale must be hanged!Those antinational saddist maniacs,Razakars must be hanged!
Never forget those Razakar who betrayed Indian struggle for freedom.Hang all those Razakars,War Criminals first just before defining patriotism and nationalism in Hindutva linguistics of fascism!
They set out from College Square -- the city's educational hub -- and covered a three km stretch to Dorina Crossing near the city centre under an apolitical banner Democratic Forum against Suppression.
The rally, christened "Kolkata Marches for JNU".