जननायक कर्पूरी ठाकुर जी को उनके जन्मदिवस पर नमन!!!!
आज भारत के स्वतंत्रता सेनानी, शिक्षक, राजनीतिज्ञ तथा बिहार राज्य के दूसरे उपमुख्यमंत्री और दो बार मुख्यमंत्री रह चुके कर्पूरी ठाकुर जी का जन्मदिवस है..लोकप्रियता के कारण उन्हें जन-नायक कहा जाता था...वह सरल और सरस हृदय के राजनेता माने जाते थे। सामाजिक रुप से पिछड़ी किन्तु सेवा भाव के महान लक्ष्य को चरितार्थ करती नाई जाति में जन्म लेने वाले इस महानायक ने राजनीति को भी जन सेवा की भावना के साथ जिया। उनकी सेवा भावना के कारण ही उन्हें जन नायक कहा जाता था, वह सदा गरीबों के हक़ के लिए लड़ते रहे। मुख्यमंत्री रहते हुए उन्होंने पिछड़ों को 27 प्रतिशत आरक्षण दिया।[ उनका जीवन लोगों के लिया आदर्श से कम नहीं।
ऐसे जन नायक के योगदान को भूला दिया गया किसी सामाजिक संस्था ने इनका नाम मिथिला रत्न के नामित नहीं किया न किसी संस्था का नाम इनके नाम पर रखा गया. इन सभी को लेकर कैलाश कुमार मिश्रा जी ने वाजिब बात कही है..उनकी बात सोचने पर मजबूर भी करती है और इस दिशा में कदम भी उठाए जाने की आवश्यकता है..
Kailash Kumar Mishra जी की वॉल से साभार
Today is the Birth anniversary of Late Karpuri Thakur, former Chief Minister of Bihar and a well known and a committed Socialist leader of India. He is a true jewel of Mithila.
Unfortunately , Karpuri Thakur is rarely remembered by the people of Mithila. The people who are exhibiting their concern for Mithila are not very serious to remember the contribution of Karpuri Thakur.
No Social Organization has come forward to declare him MITHILA RATNA.
No agitation or demand has been initiated in Mithila to name any big institution such as University, Airport, Stadium after his name. No phenomenal book has been written in Maithili about his contribution , sacrifice and achievement.
Some so called scholars and cultural masters of Mithila are trying to reestablish the cultural glory of PAAG (traditional headgear) of Mithila as the rare intangible heritage. They want to establish Paag as the cultural and uniting symbol of Mithila.
Either they are ignorant or they are willingly trying to exhibit the male supremacy and high caste domination in the name of Paag.
Paag is not an object which is used by everybody in Mithila. There are different orders of Paag for different sections of the society. The lower castes are supposed to use the Paag of different color and designs. Some scholars of Sanskrit, however, use Paag most often ,but they are few.
Use of Paag by the lower caste male is seen in bad taste by the upper caste people. This is clearly evident in the popular saying expressed through a couplet:
When they are trying to promote Paag as uniting symbol of Mithila , they must not forget one thing that Paag is used only by the males.
There is no ritual or tradition that allows the women to wear Paag.
Anyway! This is a big issue to discuss. May I hope that the champions of Maithili culture and heritage and activists including diaspora will do something for Karpuri Thakur, the great son of Mithila, Bihar and India?
May I hope that in Mithila Vibhuti and Vidyapati Samaroh organized in so many places, contribution of Karpuri Thakur will be remembered? May I hope, a seminar will be organized in the work and achievement of Karpuri Thakur?
My deepest gratitude to late Karpuri Thakur , the greatest son of Modern Mithila.