Nizami ,the master Mind to annihilate Bangladesh Intelligentsia Hanged! War Criminals not to be spared!Strike called!US continues to intervene as it could not stop freedom of Bangladesh! Back to back Bengal Election violence,more Violence ahead across the border!More Refugee influx! Meanwhile,The U.S. State Department said that while it supported justice being carried out for the 1971 atrocities, it was vital that the trials of those accused are free, fair and transparent and conducted in accordance with international agreements. #Shutdown JNU #Shut Down Jadavpur #ShutDown Universities # Bring Back Ramrajya under Manusmriti Law#Hang Democracy#Kill Constitution trending in India and we stand divided islands whereas democratic and secular and Left and Bahujan and Minorities stand together rock solid to ensure justice and equality in an Islamic Nation as we translate everything in Hindutva to make Hell losing for the common masses,workers ,taxpayers, women, students, youth, children, da
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