For my friends in Universities!
While you need medical help just to save your life suppose you are on a operation table,you never afford to ask first the identity of a doctor or nurse.If you do so,it might be fatal.While you board train,bus,plane ,you never mind whosoever might be the driver or pilot. There might be many more examples.In practical life,it is quite impossible to bear the identity everywhere we have to discard it so often and we do not understand that it must be discarded as final settlement and we may achieve the dream objective of equality and justice.
Karan hai to nivaran bhi hai.Samasya hai to samaadhan bhi hai.
Palash Biswas
I visited Mahatma Gandhi Hindi University campus on 29th May last during my Nagpur stay.It was burning as Bidrav bears the burn year round and the Sun seems to be the most merciless for the peasantry there often opting suicide under free market economy and we dare not to address the Agrarain crisis or we intend not at all.But Amalendu Upadhyaya,the Hastakshep editor had to be introduced to the students.We landed right into Gorakh Pandey Hostel and spent a few hours interacting with them as the stayed in the campus despite summer vacation.We would like to visist every university and every student if possible.
I am glad that my young friends seem to be as much as concerned as we are.As I said that Gautam Buddha enacted the original revolution on the base of his observation that ROG SHOK TAAPO ZARA MRITYU are the ultimate realities of life and each reality has a cause.If there is some cause than it might be solved.
Karan hai to nivaran bhi hai.Samasya hai to samaadhan bhi hai.
We should not be disappointed at any point as we may change the course of history and if our concern and our commitment are genuine,the unprecedented crisis might call for an unprecedented attempt to bring about the most wanted change.
No problem would be solved until we reach the resort of love and peace which is possible only when we have enough courage to fight for equality and justice.
This attempt should not be individual attempt and we must stand united rock solid to achieve the ultimate objective in defence of humanity and the nature.
We may have difference in opinion,ideology,identity as we belong to a nation of diverse culture and realities.We have to strike the chemistry to unite the Nation.
For me,I see the model of an ideal society in our universities where our children live rather in a society which might be called casteless classless.It looks not like a patriarchal society either as the girls students are respected and they may participate in free discourse which is the soul of universities.
We have to discuss the problems as well as difference with an open mind to make new ways for tolerance and democracy.
Fascism has no way in universities and it is the ultimate republic which we must defend,we the people of India.
Whereas the life out universities is bound to be hell losing with all sort of complexities,violence and dominance,monopoly,identity class and in fight for power,economic problems,unemployment and displacement,discrimination and apartheid,gender bias and so on.
Thus,the students who want to continue the freedom for humanity,freedom in medium,genre language ,freedom for expression,job security and democratic environment must do the extra course and it is all about the defence of humanity and nature.
This are the basic elements for civilization.We have to invent not only better technologies and theories to sustain life and universe,we have to connect every citizen irrespective of his or her status and identity.
While you need medical help just to save your life suppose you are on a operation table,you never afford to ask first the identity of a doctor or nurse.If you do so,it might be fatal.While you board train,bus,plane ,you never mind whosoever might be the driver or pilot.Ther might be many more examples.In practical life,it is quite impossible to bear the identity everywhere we have to discard it so often and we do not understand that it must be discarded as final settlement and we may achieve the dream objective of equality and justice.
We could not reach the university in time and we could not reach the girl hostels.I am awefully afraid.girls and women should be considered ,represented in every sphere of life an if some of them deserve they should lead us as we have so many worthy executives these days in any field.
I have no job and I have no shelter.No pension to sustain myself but I would like to visit the universities as an outsider time and again and I believe that the youth and courage may provide me with an extra span of life.
I am available for universities and colleges and students may interact with me in any language and in any medium.Perhaps I may be useful for career,academic and professional grooming across the discipline specifically with my experience in corporate as well as alternative media.I am looking for such proposal from private parties as I may not expect a government job.
I have no resource but I am habitual to bear the burn of the heat as I belong to the roots and I a belong to the Himalayas and I am ready to face the adversaries and hope whenever I get an opportunity,I would reach you and would expect to see you all standing united to make this universe a better universe.