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Massive protest in Delhi against policies of Modi govt

Previous: बकौल कबीर- साधो ये मुर्दों का गाँव पीर मरे,पैगंबर मरी हैर गए ज़िंदा जोगी राजा मरी है, प्रजा मरी है मर गए बैद और रोगी साधो रे ये मुर्दो का गाँव ये मुर्दो का ... साधो रे. S कबीर के इस पद का ख्याल कीजियो साथी,मुर्दों के इस गांव में तनिक चिनगारी की गुंजाइश है ,फिर देखते रहियो कि मुर्दे कैसे फिर जिंदा होवै, उठ खड़े हो अलख जगावै साधो

Massive protest in Delhi against policies of Modi govt

By Muslim Mirror News Desk,

New Delhi, 30 January 2016: Thousands of people from diverse backgrounds marched from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar giving a clear indication that their voices cannot be throttled.  On  the 68th death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, over  67 organizations, campaigns and movements representing youth, Dalits and Adivasis ,religious minorities, sexual minorities, Dalits,  the homeless, groups and others  came together to speak in one voice against the growing attacks on the Indian republic incidence of caste and religious discrimination, farmer's suicides , attacks on freedom of expression, saffronisation of education, attacks on adivasi  by security forces , article 377, religious intolerance and abolition of dissent.

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This is a first time such a diverse set of people's groups and associations had  marched together, shoulder to shoulder to honor the spirit and letter of the Constitution and assert the  solidarity across class, caste, gender and disability. And more importantly to expressing collective concern on the many assaults we are witnessing on the basic values of our Constitution; of freedom, justice, and fraternity, and our resolve to defend our republic.

While the Dalits led the march, farmers from Mewat led by Ramzan Choudhry carried a huge banner of Rohith Vemula.

Justice Sachar, Purshottam Aggarwal, Dilip Simeon, Harsh Mander, Annie Raja, Seema Mustafa, Noor Zaheer, Amit Sengupta, Rituparna Borah, Shabnam Hashmi were present at the march.

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The march culminated in a vibrant cultural programme at Jantar Mantar, celebrating and representing diversity. .

A statement signed by over 400 people was released.


We members of the Indian public are deeply concerned with the grave assaults that are being mounted on the Republic. This most diverse country in the world belongs equally to all persons who make it its own, regardless of their religious faith (or for that matter, their denial of faith), their caste, gender, class, language, ethnicities, physical and mental abilities, gender identity and sexual orientation. This is the promise that we had made to ourselves during the Independence movement. This is the soul of India's secular, socialist democratic Constitution. This also is the meaning of Part IV–A of the Constitution of India that prescribes the fundamental duties of all Indian citizens: to respect 'the composite culture of India, to 'develop the scientific temper', 'spirit of reform' and 'critical enquiry' and to 'cherish the ideas that inspired the struggle for Indian Independence.

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As people of this vast and diverse land, affirm, we uphold and defend the constitutional values of the Indian Republic as elaborated in the preamble of the Constitution – of freedom, justice, equality and fraternity. In brutal contrast to these values, the political forces represented by the so-called Sangh Parivar are trying to subvert our Constitution by imposing upon the whole country their ideology of majoritarian tyranny, persisting caste and gender inequality, religious intolerance, and abolition of dissent. These forces did not participate in India's struggle for freedom and never reconciled to India's secular, socialistic, democratic Constitution, and its categorical assertions about the abolition of caste and equality of all persons. Today they have entered into a dangerous alliance with neo-liberal market fundamentalists and a section of unscrupulous capitalists and financiers who see constitutional democracy as a hurdle in the path of so-called 'development'. This alliance of religious fanatics and neo-liberals want nothing less than an overthrow of the state's constitutional commitment to social welfare, the public provisioning of health, education and , affirmative action for women, Dalits and Adivasis; the freedom of belief and worship of religious minorities; and the subversion of the criminal justice system.

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The implementation of this authoritarian agenda would lead to the destruction of the Indian Republic. Today our society is witness to increasing religious polarization and fear; and attacks on women, Dalits, Adivasis, religious minorities and working people; the criminal neglect of agriculture leading to an epidemic of farmer suicides; the theft of natural resources; and attacks on livelihoods and workers' rights; gender violence; the neglect of persons with disabilities; discrimination against Dalit students in schools and universities across the country; and the persecution of people marginalised on the basis of their gender identity and sexual orientation.. Worst of all, the members and allies of the so-called Sangh Parivar are bent upon curbing our freedoms. They tell people what to wear, write and speak; whom to love and what to eat.

Today no one – not least the Hindus whom they claim to represent – is spared the poison being spread in our society by leaders and activists of the Hindutva brigade. All critical voices are dubbed anti-national and asked to leave the country. All this is accompanied by open intimidation that often leads to violence. It is significant that in the recently concluded state elections in Bihar, the Election Commission was obliged to take note of the communal propaganda being spread by the BJP. It is a matter of concern that the could resort to divisive propaganda in his speeches in that election.

This climate of intimidation has led to mounting fear among dissenters and minorities of all kinds. Contrary to the propaganda against those who have stood up for democracy, this fear is not an invention of partisan critics of the Modi . It is real, urgent and dangerous. The lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq in Dadri on the rumour that he ate beef; the assassination of rationalists Dr. Narendra Dabholkar and Shri Govind Pansare; and of the scholar Professor Kalburgi; and the continued criminalisation of sexual minorities under Section 377, are manifestations of this climate of intolerance and intimidation. It is this same climate of intolerance that had led months after India's freedom to Nathuram Godse's assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948, and which resulted in a ban on the RSS, at the initiation of Sardar Patel as Home Minister. Some months ago members of the ruling dispensation were openly celebrating Gandhi's assassin as a great hero. It is the current climate of continuing social inequality that led to the heart-breaking suicide of Rohith, declaring that his birth is his fatal accident; and the unmaking of the developmental state that has led to grave cutbacks on social sector public spending on health and education; to curbing of labour rights; to reckless dilution of environmental protections; and the bullying of dissent.

As inheritors of a secular and democratic Constitution, it is our duty to resist this assault on the Indian Union. We call upon all those who cherish the statutes, values and ideals of the Republic, to join our march from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar on January 30, 2016, in defence of Indian democracy.

A C Michael , Former Member of Delhi Minorities Commission

A  Chinnappan, National Secretary, All India Catholic Union

A.K. Arun – Yuva Samvad

Abdul Kabeer

Abhay Xaxa, NCDHR

Aditya Prasad, Writer, Bangalore

Aditya Shrivastava, Right to Food Campaign

Agnelo Vaz sj, Premal jyothi , Ahmedabad

Ajaya Kumar Singh, Bhubaneswar

AK Ramakrishnan, Prof, JNU

Akhil Kang, Lawyer, Delhi

Akkai Padmashali , Social Activist, Ondede ,Bangalore

Alana Golmei, Northeast Support Centre & Helpline

Alexander Afzal- Let Us Stay Together

Ali Ahmed, Writer and blogger, Delhi

Ali Javed, PWA

Allwyn D'Silva, Secretary, Climate Change Desk, Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences

Amir Rizvi, designer, 

Amit Sengupta, journalist, Delhi

Amitava Mitra , NAPM West Bengal

Anand Lakhan

Anand Mazgaonkar, Paryavaran Suraksh Samiti, NAPM Gujarat

Anand Patwardhan, film maker

Anant Bhatnagar, PUCL, Ajmer

Aneka, Bangalore


Anil Panikkar, Hisar

Anjali Monteiro, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Anjum Aamir Khan, Khudai Khidmatgar

Annie Namala, WNTA

Annie Raja, National Federation of Indian Women

Antara Dev Sen, journalist

Antony Arul Valan, Chennai

Antony Arulraj, Social Worker, New Delhi

Anuja Gupta, Feminist Activist, Delhi

Anuradha Chenoy, professor, JNU

Anuradha Kapoor, Feminist Activist

Apoorvanand, Professor Department of Hindi, Delhi University

Aruna Roy, social activist, MKSS, Rajasthan

Arundhati Dhuru, NAPM, UP

Asad Ashraf, journalist, Delhi

Asad Zaidi, writer and publisher

Ashish Mamgaim, journalist, Delhi

Ashish Ranjan – Jan Jagran Shakti Sangathan, NAPM Bihar

Ashok Bharti, National Confederation of Dalit Adivasi Orgs (NACDAOR)

Ashok Maridas, Documentary FilmMaker, Bangalore

Ashok Vajpayi, writer, poet

Asif Iqbal, Dhanak

Astha Pando, Nine is Mine

Atul Sood, Professor, JNU

Avinash Kumar

Ayesha Kidwai, Professor, JNU

B S Rawat  Jan Sangharsh Vahini, NAPM, Delhi

B.Banerjee, Hyderabad


Babu Thomas, Director Inter Dimensions, Bangalore

Balendra Vaghela      , Swaroday, Rajkot

Battini Rao, Convener, Peoples Alliance for Democracy and Secularism

Bharti Ali, Co-Director, HAQ: Centre for Child Rights, New Delhi

Bhasha Singh, Journalist, Writer, Delhi

Bihar Ambedkar Student's Forum

Braham Yadav, Nishant Natya Manch, Delhi

C R Neelkandan, NAPM Kerala

Centre for Policy Analysis

Centre for Social Dignity

Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion

Chirashree Das Gupta, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Cletus Daisy, Director, St. Joseph's Guntur Andhra Pradesh

Cynthia Kumar, Sur Nirman

  1. Albert, S.J.Social Activist, Pathardi, Maharashtra

Dakshin Chhara, Activist, Gujarat

Deepan Kannan, Chennai

Dev Desai, Anhad, Gujarat

Dhrubo Jyoti, Delhi

Dhruv Raina, ProfessorJNU

Dhruv Sangari, musician

Dilip Simeon, People's Alliance for Democracy and Secularism

Dinesh Abrol, Delhi

Dipak Dholakia, Delhi

Dolphy A. D'Souza, Convenor, Police Reforms Watch, Mumbai

Dr Aditya Narayan Misra, Former President Federation of Central Universities Teachers Association ( FEDCUTA) & Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA)

Dr Alex Ekka, Profession: Teacher, Ranchi

Dr Ambrose Pinto SJ, Principal, St Aloysius Degree College, Bangalore

Dr Annie Medical Supdt Guntur AP

Dr Arif Mohhmed, Centre for Harmony and Peace, Varanasi

Dr Benny Chiramel, Social worker, Thiruvananthapuram

Dr Denzil Fernandes, on behalf of Social Action Trust

Dr Gabriele Dietrich, Madurai

Dr John Dayal, Member NIC, past president, All India catholic Union

Dr Joy Ilemon- KSSP Delhi Forum

Dr Nalini Abraham, M.D.

Dr Pushpa M Bhargava, Former Vice Chairman, National Knowledge Commission,

Dr Rahul Singh, Nishant Natya Manch

Dr Sant Prakash

Dr Subash Mohapatra, Rights Campaigner, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Dr Subhan Khan, Patron, Mewat Development Society

Dr Sunilam, Samjawadi Samagam

Dr Surendra Kumar, Department of History, University of Delhi

Dr Suresh Mathew, Editor, Indian Currents Weekly

Dr Varghese Manimala, Professor

Dr Walter Fernandes, North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati

Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, the Milli Gazette

Dr. Hector D'Souza SJ, Educationist, Guwahati

Dr. John Rose SJ, Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim, Mumbai.

Dr. Neeti Bhai, Social and Human Right Activist, Varanasi

Dunu Roy, social activist, Delhi

Dvijendra Nath Kalia – PGDAV College, University of Delhi

Elizabeth Thomas, designer, concerned citizen

Executive Director of People's Action for Rural Awakening

Faisal Khan, Khudai Khidmatgar, NAPM Haryana

Faraz Ahmad

Farhat Salim, Scholar, School of Development Studies , Ambedkar University

Feroz Khan Ghazi, SAMLA, Delhi

Feroze Mithiborwala, National President, Bharat Bachao Andolan

Firdaus Ahmed, journalist, Delhi

Fr Cedric Prakash, Human Rights Activist

Francis Parmar, Gujarat.

Gabriel Tirkey, SJ, New Delhi

Garment Labour Union, NAPM, Karnataka, NAPM, Karnataka

Gautam Thaker, PUCL, Gujarat

Geetha Ramakrishnan, Unorganised Sector Workers Federation, NAPM, TN

Godfrey D Lima, Educationist; Nashik City

Hanook Bhatti, Christian Yuva Morcha, Punjab

Haridas T, Dwarka Collective

Harinesh Pandya, Janpath, Gujarat

Harsh Kapoor,  http://sacw.net/

Harsh Mander, social activist, writer

Hemant Shah, Professor, Gujarat

Henri Tiphagne, Executive Director, People's Watch, Madurai

Ideal Academy

Indu Prakash Singh, Human Rights Defender, Forum against Corruption & Threats

Iqbal Ahmad, Jamia Collective

Irfan Engineer, Director, Centre for Study of Society and Secularism, Mumbai

Irshad Ahmad, President, AMU Old Boys Association

J S Walia, NAPM Haryana

Jabar Singh, NAPM, Uttarakhand

Jagmohan Singh, Professor, Ludhiana

Jamia Teacher's Solidarity Association.

Jamsheed Rizwani

Javed Anand, Citizens for Justice and Peace, Mumbai

Jaya Iyer, Zinda Dilli and Sadak Chaap, Delhi

Jaya Mehta, Sandarbh Collective, Delhi

Jayati Ghosh, Professor, JNU

Jenis Francis, President, Federation of Catholic Associations of Archdiocese of Delhi

Jerome Sequeira Jamshedpur

Jerry Rosario, Dhanam movement, Chennai

Jessy Jagnnathan, Selam

Jignesh Mevani, Activist, Gujarat

Jitendra Baghel, PATWA

Joe Parekatil

Joseph Pulla System Administrator, Guntur AP

Joseph Xavier, Indian Social Institute, Bangalore

Josna Critical Quest

Juhi Jain, Feminist Activist

Julie Antony, Deputy Admin , St. Joseph's Guntur AP

  1. Satchidanandan, writer, poet

K.M.Shrimali, Former Professor of History, Delhi University

K.P. Jayasankar, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

Kailash Meena, NAPM Rajasthan

Kamal Chenoy, Professor, JNU

Kamayani Bali Mahabal, feminist and human rights activist, Mumbai

Kamayani Swami, NAPM Bihar

Kannan Srinivasan Writer, New York

Karen Gabriel, St Stephen's College

Karolin Fernandez, Business Manager,  Guntur  AP

Kashif Ahmed Faraz, APCR

Kausar Wizarat, Pehchan

Kiran Shaheen, Memoirist and Activist

KN Panikkar, historian, former Vice Chancellor

Krishnakant – Paryavaran Suraksh Samiti, NAPM Gujarat

Kumar Ambuj, Poet, PWA

Kumar Sundaram, Activist, Gujarat

Kumar.B , Social Activist, Founder Member , PAYANA, Bengaluru

LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai

Lakshmi Padmanabhan, Research Scholar, Brown University

Leena Dabiru, Lawyer, Delhi

Lingraj Azad  Suraksha Samiti, NAPM, Odisha

M A Bohra, Udaipur

M.Mahalingam, CPA, Delhi

Madhu Sahni, Professor, JNU

Madhuresh Kumar, NAPM, Delhi

Mahendra Yadav, Kosi Navnirman Manch, NAPM Bihar

Mahesh Pandya, Gujarat Social Watch, Gujarat

Mahi Pal Singh, Editor,The Radical Humanist.

Manan Trivedi, social activist, Gujarat

Manasi Thapliyal, associate professor, AUD

Manish Shrivastava, Gen. Secy. IPTA Delhi State

Manju, Socail Activist, Hyderabad

Maya Krishna Rao,  artist

Medha Patkar – Narmada Bachao Andolan, NAPM

Meera – Narmada Bachao Andolan, NAPM, MP

Mehul Manguben      , Writer, Gujarat

Mike sj , social activist,  Jamshedpur

Minakshi Bujarbaruah, Researcher, TISS, Guwahati

Minakshi Singh, Samarpan

Mohd Aamir Khan, Human Rights Activist, Delhi

Mohd Asif Khan, Nai Umang Nai Soch

Mohd Azam Khan, entrepreneur, Hyderabad

Mohd Shahid, Professor, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad

Mohnish Malhotra, Delhi

Moulee, Chennai

Mukul Mangalik, Ramas College, University of Delhi

Mukul Priyadarshini – Deptt. of Elementary Education, Miranda House, DU

Muralidharan, Convener, Delhi Viklang Adhikar Manch

  1. Jayaram, Journalist, Bangalore

N.D.Pancholi, General Secretary, Citizens for Democracy

Nafisa Barot, Utthan, Ahmedabad

Nai Umang Nai Soch

Nalini Taneja, University of Delhi

Nandini Sundar, Delhi University

Nandita Narain, Associate Prof, St.Stephen's College, DU

Nasiruddin, Journalist

National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights

National Equity Forum

National Federation of Human Rights Clubs in Schools

Navaid Hamid, President All India Muslim Majlis e Mushawarat, ex Member, NIC

Navdeep Kumar

Nazariya- A Queer Feminist Resource Group, New Delhi

Nazneen Shaikh, Activist, Babasaheb Ambedkar, Dhule

Neelima Sharma, Nishant Natya Manch

Neera Chandhoke, former professor, Delhi University

Niloufer Bhagwat, advocate, Mumbai

Nine Is Mine, Delhi

Nisha Verma, Samarpan

Nitya Jacob, Author, Jalyatra

Nivedita Menon, Professor, JNU

NoMore Campaign, New Delhi

Noorjahan Diwan, WAFAA

Ovais Sultan Khan, Activist, Delhi

Owen Chourappa

P Chennaiah , NAPM Andhra Pradesh

P K Vijayan, Hindu College

P.I. Jose, lawyer, Delhi

P.K.Manikandhan, KSSP Delhi forum

Padmini Kumar, Joint Women's Programme, Delhi

Pankti Jog, Activist, MAGP, Ahmedabad

Pawan Dhall, Varta Trust, Kolkata

Peeter Cheeda, Christian Samson Sena, Punjab

People's Action for Rural Awakening

Prabhat Patnaik, Professor, JNU

Pradeep Esteves, Activist, Context India, Bangalore

Prafulla Samantara – Lok Shakti Abhiyan, NAPM, Odisha

Prakash N.Shah, Editor Nirikshak, Gujarat

Prasad Bagwe, NAPM, Maharashtra

Prathama Banerjee, Associate Professor, CSDS, Delhi

PRATYeK, Delhi

Praveen Jha, Professor of Economics,JNU

Praveen Singh, social activist, NOIDA

Prem Verma, Convenor, Jharkhand Nagrik Prayas, Ranchi

Prof. Arif Kalim Usmani, Principal, Universal High School & Jr. College, Thane

Prof. Ghanshyam Shah, academician, Gujarat

Prof. Manoj K. Jha, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi

Prof. V.K. Tripathi, Retd. IIT Delhi

Pt. Kuldeep Vyas, Advocate, Jaipur

  1. Manohar, Human Rights Defenders Alert India (HRDA-India)
  2. Meera, Women's Initiatives (WINS), Andhra Pradesh
  3. Vaishno Bharati, Researcher, Bangalore

Radhika Alkazi, Ashtha, CRPT

Rafi Malek      , Activist, Gujarat

Rajashri Dasgupta, Journalist, Kolkata

Rajat DattaProfession: Professor, JNU.

Rajendra K Sail, Human Rights Defender, Chhattisgarh

Rajendra Ravi, NAPM, Delhi

Rajesh Sinha, freelance journalist

Rajesh Umadevi, Sangama

Rajinder Arora, Delhi

Rajive Tiwari – Professor of Physics, Bellmont Abbey College

Rajni Bhagat Arora, Delhi

Rajni Kant Mudgal, Pravasi Jan Manch

Rakesh Sharma, Film-maker

Ram Puniyani, writer, social activist

Rama Srinivasan, Research Scholar, Brown University

Ramakrishnan Raju – NAPM Andhra Pradesh

Ramesh Bairy, Dept of HSS, IIT, Mumbai

Ramjan Choudhry, Mewat Sangharsh Samiti

Ramsharan Joshi, Journalist, Delhi

Raza Haider, Siksha

Razia Ismail, Inter-Faith Dialogue Forum

Reyaz Ahmad, Jamia Collective

Richa Singh, NAPM, UP

Ritwik Agrawal, St. Stephen's College, Delhi

Rohini Hensman, writer, Mumbai

Rohit Prajapati, Activist, Gujarat

Rohit, Assistant Professor, JNU

Ruby, Lok Manch Secretariat, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi

Rudolf C. Heredia, Jesuit Residence, Campion High School, Mumbai

Rukmini V P, NAPM, Karnataka

  1. P. Shukla, Former Member, Planning Commission

S.B. Upadhyay, Faculty of History, IGNOU, New Delhi.

S.Q.Masood, Center for Peace Studies, Hyderabad

S.Velanganni s.j.,Kalol, Gujarat

Sajeev Painunkal, Counselor, Kolkata

Sandeep Messey- United Christian Forum

Sanghamitra Misra, Department of History, University of Delhi

Sanjay Krishna, Ashray Adhikar Manch

Sanjay Sharma, Aahwan India

Sanjeev Kumar, Delhi Forum

Sanjiv Bhatt, former IPS, Gujarat

Sankara Narayanan

Sannybhai, JESA Secretariat, Indian Social Institute, Delhi

Sarika Shrivastava, NFIW, Indore

Sarojini , Odisha

Satish Deshpande, Sociologist, Delhi

Saurabh Vajpeyi, National Movement Front.

Save the Children India, Delhi

Sebastian Nallail

Seema Mustafa, journalist

Shabnam Hashmi, social activist, Delhi

Shabnam Shaikh, NAPM, Delhi.

Shail Mayaram, Delhi

Shamsul Islam, Nishant Natya Manch

Shiburaj A.K, Hyderabad

Shiburaj A.K, Associate Coordinator (Documentation), Kishore Bharati, Bhopal

Shivani Lal, People's Watch

Shweta Bhatt, Gujarat

Sister Celia – Domestic Workers Union, NAPM, Karnataka

Socialist Yuvajan Sabha

Sofiya Khan, Human Rights Activist, Gujarat

Sohail Hashmi, filmmaker, writer

Sreedharan Nair, Director, Family Planning Association of India

Steve Rocha- Nine is Mine

Students Front for Swaraj

Sube Singh, PATWA

Suhas Kolhekar, NAPM, Maharashtra

Sujatha, JNU

Sujato Bhadra, NAPM West Bengal

Sukhdeep Singh, Founder, Editor, Gaylaxy Magazine

Sukla Sen, anti-nuke peace activist, Mumbai

Sumegha Gulati, Former Journalist with Indian Express, Delhi

Sunil Gupta, Delhi

Sunil Gupta, Researcher, Delhi

Sunil Kuksal, People's Watch

Suniti SR, NAPM, Maharashtra

Suresh Bhat, Retired Engineer, Mangaluru

Suroor, Advocate.

Suvasini Chandrasekhran – Deptt. Of Elementary Education, Miranda House, DU

Swaraj Abhiyan

Syeda Hamid, former Planning Commission member

Teesta Setalvad, Citizens for Justice and Peace, Mumbai

Thomas Pallithanam, National convener of WNTA

Uday Prakash, writer

UK Sharda, Editor, the Egalitarian Fortnightly, Ludhiana

Uma Chakravarti, feminist historian, Delhi

Umer Padla, Mewat Vikas Sabha

Umesh.P (Uma), Social Activist, Founder Jeeva, Bangalore

United Christian Forum, Ghaziabad

Uttam Parmar, PUCL, Gujarat

Uzramma, Hyderabad

  1. Joseph Xavier, Director, St. Joseph's Institute of Management, Trichy, TN

Vargheesh Antony M, Coordinator SAMAG TEAM, Vidyajyoti College, Delhi

Vasanthi Raman, Social Scientist and Activist

Vibhuti Narain Rai, writer, former Vice Chancellor

Vidyadhar Gadgi, 

Vijayesh Lal, on behalf of Religious Liberty Commission

Vimal Bhai – Matu Jan Sangathan, NAPM, Uttarakhand

Vimal Thorat, NCDHR

Vineet Tiwari, Poet, PWA)

Vinod Koshti, Cultural Activist, IPTA Delhi

Vinodhini Moses, National General Secretary, YWCA India

Virendra Yadav, PWA, Lucknow

Vivek Sakpal, Peoples Literature Publications

Vrinda Grover, lawyer, Delhi

Wada Na Todo Abhiyan

Waqar Qazi, Social Activist, Gujarat

Wilfred D' Costa, INSAF

Xavier Jeyaraj, Research Scholar, St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

Zafar Eqbal, Aman Biradari, Delhi

Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Siasat, Hyderabad

Zakia Soman, BMMA, Gujarat

Zamser Ali, President, BTAD Citizen Rights Forum

Zoya Hasan, Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Zulaikha Jabin, Shambhavi





Aahwan India

Academics for Action and Development

Ahmedabad Collective

All India Catholic Union

Aman Biradari, Delhi

AMU Old Boys Association


Ashray Adhikar Manch

Ashtha, CRPT


Centre for Policy Analysis

Centre for Research and Policy in Disability

Centre for Social Dignity

Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion

Christian Samson Sena, Punjab

Christian Yuva Morcha, Punjab

Citizens for Democracy

Delhi Forum

Delhi Viklang Adhikar Manch


Dwarka Collective

Forum Against Corruption & Threats

Ideal Academy

Jamia Collective

Joint Women's Programme

Khudai Khidmatgar

KSSP -Delhi Forum

Let Us Stay Together

Manav Ekta Samiti ,Gujarat

Mewat Development Society

Mewat Sangharsh Samiti

Mewat Vikas Sabha

Nai Umang Nai Soch


National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR)

National Confederation of Dalit Adivasi Orgs (NACDAOR)

National Equity Forum

National Federation of Human Rights Clubs in Schools

National Federation of Indian Women

National Movement Front

Nazariya- A Queer Feminist Resource Group, New Delhi

Nine Is Mine, Delhi

NoMore Campaign, New Delhi

Northeast Support Centre & Helpline


People's Watch

People's Action for Rural Awakening

Peoples Alliance for Democracy and Secularism (PADS)

PRATYeK, Delhi

Public Auto Taxi Welfare Association (PATWA)


Religious Liberty Commission

Right to Food Campaign

SAMAG TEAM, Vidyajyoti College, Delhi




Social Action Trust

Students Front for Swaraj

Sur Nirman

United Christian Forum

United Christian Forum, Ghaziabad

Viklang Ekta Manch

Wada Na Todo Abhiyan


Yuva Samvad

YWCA India



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