जय भीम कामरेड!
Manusmriti plays the ObC Card to sustain the Apartheid regime,media tuned accordingly!
RSS clan target the Dalits yet again and tries its best to make them silent with a fake OBC trump card but the apple cart is already upset and the Manusmriti defends indefensible!As Brinda Karat rightly diagnosed.Now,it is right time to cure the humanity inflicted with VIRUS.
Watch video | Suspended Dalit Hyderabad Student Hangs Himself: What Transpired
जय भीम कामरेड
Palash Biswas
I am using Jai Bhim Comrade track as background theme song and musicality for this video talk.Anand Patwardhan is our most respected friend and he highlighted the urgency of RED BLUE unity in his breakthrough docu Jai Bheem which is the real time reality bite which upset the Manusmriti Apple Cart so ancient but not so ancient,it is our freedom false!The continued partition,continued holocaust,continued bloodshed,continued communal violence,continued polarization identity wise in a Hindu Nation!Hence,the hegemony plays the OBC card to divide India again.
They celebrated Ambedkar Jayanti!
They celebrated constitution day with the agenda of killing the constitution to legalise the exclusion and ethnic cleansing and apartheid most brute!
It is growth of intolerance and inequality inherent, injustice and it is defined as economic reform to ensure free flow of capital.The regime failed in this context also despite eating and drinking oil to uphold SENSEX which is captured by Bears all the way.They kill the Indian Rupee to enhance the problem of Rupee,India.
They continue to kill the Shambuk as they launched Ram Mandir movement to make India Ram Rajya,Hindu Nation.Thus,Rohiths must die and denial of right to education in grand knowledge economy might be reality!
They did not celebrate Manusmriti Dahan Divas just to sustain the Manusmriti rule worldwide to kill the negroid.
Dr.Aanand Teltumbde has just landed in Kolkata and we discussed Hyderabad at length on phone.We endorse the grand student youth uprising against fascist,
neonazi,ku klax branded fascist genocide culture with red and blue flags which has already exposed the Ambedkarite leaders and organizations who have joined hands with RSS KLAN KU KLAX KLan India to Kill Dr.BR Ambedkar`s mission of caste annihilation!
The University of Hyderabad SC/ST Teachers and Officers Forum also condemned remarks made by HRD Minister Smriti Irani at a press conference in New Delhi and alleged she had "misrepresented" facts and "misled the nation".Mind you,Rohith Vemula, 26, a Dalit Phd student of University of Hyderabad who was rusticated three months ago after student groups clashed on the campus, committed suicide by hanging himself in a hostel room. Hailing from Guntur, Rohith was a second year research scholar in the Science and Technology.
It is for the first time in history that students in Kharagpur IIT amidst the Hijli Barracks, witness of Indigenous aborigin freedom struggle which never never stopped, lodged their protest against this case of brute apartheid.But it is not news for pet FDI fed media.
Yes,it is never been Dalit versus the caste Hindu.It is Humanity versus RSS Klan of Aparthed regime zionist as Dalit leaders in general have aligned with the Caste class hegemony and stripped themselves naked as shameless they stand in their greed for power and money.They betrayed dalits as well as Ambedkar,his mission and Humanity in general.
Thus,the NINETY Nine percent masses stand united rock solid and the streets echo the screams of humanity strangled by RSS Ku Klax Klan of Hindutvaand it is the Red BLUE mixed ground zero realtime sound design.
The scenario is so vocal and full of musicality that the ruling hegemony got its panic button pressed in defence.It plays the politics of partition culminating in holcaust and the pet corporate media showcases the vote bank account to delete the resistance.It showcases yet agian the Sunny Leela!
Thus,for example ,in Bengal HOKKOLOROB is out of frame which captured every frame countrywide last time.
The showpiece speaking the scripted linguistics of age old partition speaks manusmriti and Manusmriti plays the ObC Card to sustain the Apartheid regime,media tuned accordingly!Rohith is now identified as OBC to tame the Dalit upsurge merging with the rest of humanity to cry freedom from the RSS Klan regime of apartheid!
Meanwhile,against the backdrop of "intolerance" debate, Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen on Wednesday asserted that India right now needs tolerance "very badly". Sen, 82, at the same time, also underscored the importance of sceptical tolerance. Sen was delivering a lecture at a special convocation in Presidency college,Kolkata after he was given an honorary D.Litt by the Presidency University where he had studied economics at the undergraduate level and is now adviser to the chairman of the university's mentor group.
Latest update thanks to Indian Express:Dalit professors quit, campus tries to lower heat.I am happy to be associated with Express courage of journalism which leads the coverage and follow ups from the ground zero.
RSS clan target the Dalits yet again and tries its best to make them silent with a fake OBC trump card but the apple cart is already upset and the Manusmriti defends indefensible!
"We express our solidarity with students who are protesting against the death of Rohith Vemula and demand the immediate revocation of suspension and removal of police cases filed against our students," the Forum said in a statement. This is the first time a teachers' body of the university passed such a resolution.
"In response to the honourable minister's fabricated statements, we the Dalit faculty and officers will lay down our administrative positions," said one of the teachers at the protest site. S Sudhakar Babu, convenor of the Forum, said they will begin tendering resignations if their demands are not met. "We want all students reinstated, jobs and compensation for Rohith Vemula's family and a better mechanism in the university to deal with such student issues," Babu told The Indian Express.
As Brinda Karat rightly diagnosed.CPI (M) leader Brinda Karat on Wednesday lashed out at Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani for trying to conceal discrimination against Dalit students in the country and accused her of spreading more darkness than light on the sensitive issue concerning the suicide of a Dalit scholar
Now,it is right time to cure the humanity inflicted with VIRUS.
Deepening the crisis in Hyderabad University, teachers belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Wednesday unanimously resolved to resign from all administrative posts in solidarity with students protesting the suspension of five students, one of whom committed suicide last Sunday.
According to the Forum, Irani Wednesday said a senior Dalit professor was part of the executive council sub committee that took the decision to suspend the students including Vemula.
According to the Forum, Irani Wednesday said a senior Dalit professor was part of the executive council sub committee that took the decision to suspend the students including Vemula.
"It was headed by an upper caste professor… and there are no Dalit faculty in this sub committee. Incidentally, the dean of student welfare who happens to be a Dalit was notionally co-opted an an ex-officio member of the committee. It is unfortunate that since its inception, no Dalit representation has been given in this council," the Forum stated.
"Such a baseless and misleading statement coming from the honourable minister of HRD amounts to bringing down the morale of Dalits holding administrative positions in this and other universities.
By deflecting this issue, the honourable MHRD minister is absolving herself and the honourable minister Bandaru Dattatreya from being responsible for the death of Rohith Vemula," the Forum said.
Meanwhile, the university is considering dilution of the punishment meted out to the students and possible closure of the institution for a few days to lower tempers on the campus.
Sources in the university administration said Vice Chancellor Appa Rao may soon call an emergency meeting of the executive council (EC) to discuss the proposal. Rao, university sources said, is in favour of reducing the six-month suspension, starting December 18, 2015, to one month.
Last November, the EC expelled the five students, including Vemula, from the hostel and barred access to public places on campus. They were, however, allowed to attend lectures and pursue their research in the university.
The students were punished for allegedly assaulting an ABVP student leader on campus. If the law and order situation on campus goes out of hand, the university could also consider closing for a few days.
"The student's death is unfortunate but this issue is now being used to further political motives. The university could also close for some days to help normalcy return to campus life," said an official who did not wish to be identified.
Irani told The Indian Express Wednesday that she hadn't received any communication from the university regarding dilution in punishment meant for the remaining four scholars. An official reaction from the university was not immediately available
Meanwhile,in every part of the country,the students do cry freedom breaking all identity barriers and in resistance,RSS Klan opts for Manusmriti which plays the OBC card to divide the masses into identities yet again to sustain the patriarchal apartheid regime.
Last day,so called mainstream media played the vote bank theme song and LIVE TV coverage included Sunny Leela as anti tobacco campaign.
In Bengal,students continue the protest as Jadavpur University HOKKOLOROB struck the streets,SFI lagging behind in Bengal but TMC students led the protest elsewhere but three lac odd Dalit organizations could not be traced anywhere in Bengal as in Maharashtra and rest of India.
"It is very very clear that it is a defence of the indefensible, to say that this is not an issue concerning Dalits students and Dalit rights but just an issue concerning two groups of students is a complete misrepresentation of facts" she said.
The CPI (M) leader also took potshots at Irani for defending the BJP's student wing Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarathi Parishad (ABVP), saying her statement has very little credibility.
"I can understand a political party trying to defend their student organisation ABVP for their wrongdoing in campus, but for a minister to come out with a statement which tries to whitewash the caste aspects of discrimination against Dalit students is unfortunate and has very little credibility," she added.
Facing sharp criticism over the suicide of Dalit scholar at the University of Hyderabad, HRD Minister Irani today attempted to shift the blame on the previous UPA regime and said things would have been in place at the moment had the Congress taken action then.
Irani attempted to defend Minister of State for Labour Bandaru Dattatreya, who has been charged with abetting Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula's suicide.
The HRD Minister drew the attention of the media to the letter written by Congress MP Hanumantha Rao and said that he wanted a probe to be ordered on the death of students from the Telangana region.
Rao, however, dismissed Irani's charge that he had written a letter demanding a 'probe' to be ordered into the rampant suicides by Dalit students in the University of Hyderabad.
"On 17th November, I wrote a letter to Smriti Irani regarding the issues being faced by the students and employees at the university. I said that there was misappropriation going on and that seven students had committed suicide in three semesters. I also wrote that there were cases of rape and kidnapping occurring regularly besides allegations of illegal transfer of university land," Rao told ANI.
He added that he should have got the reply in 15 days as per the law but now Irani was bringing up his letter from 2014 for her own convenience.
Meanwhile, fierce protests continued at the Hyderabad University over the suicide of Rohith, as students expressed their dissatisfaction with Irani's defence by burning an effigy of the HRD Minister.